Dr. Joseph H. Michalski
Thanks for visiting my personal website, however briefly, as you continue on your own journey! Whatever your background and wherever you might be from originally, we nevertheless share much in common as human beings. Most important, we are storytellers who can express ourselves in many ways. These include our native languages, scientific work, faith traditions, music, mathematics, poetry, physical abilities, visual creations, gardening, healing capacities, and much more.
Each of us possesses different forms of “genius” to share with and inspire others. An honest self-appraisal should point to one or more areas where you have exceptional abilities – at least compared to “the average person.” I strongly encourage you to identify your own strengths (and weaknesses!) and commit to developing these abilities in the service of humanity and the world writ large. You might consider creating your own “personal mission statement.” Here’s mine:
Personal Mission Statement
My life’s main purpose involves using my creative abilities with words and music to share observations and insights, while inspiring a passion in others to find their own voices to express themselves with their special gifts.
Website’s Focus
The website highlights my efforts to follow through with the above mission statement, but most notably as a full-time social scientist and as a part-time musician. My career has been spent mainly at universities as an educator and researcher, the results of which can be found under the tab “Academic Work.” Additional thoughts and insights are shared under the “Blog” tab, which includes website publications and a series of personal reflections on a range of scientific issues focusing mostly on the human condition.
Finally, if interested in contacting me either for speaking engagements or musical performances, fill out the information under the “Contact” tab. Thank you in advance for your interest!
For those interested in music, I have uploaded under a separate button several original compositions and their lyrics that tell stories about everyday life, love, relationships, and our place in the cosmos. I have also included an active link to my YouTube channel, “The Dr. J. Experience,” which contains music videos, commentaries, and weekly updates at: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrjexperience
Additional work appears under the “Creative Arts” tab, including poetry and fictional musings, comedic reflections, and some of my work in landscaping and deck building.